Astrolysz 9/24-10/1
It is officially fall and libra season and with libra season I say learn to be objective take all of the sides and what applies applies what doesn’t leave it be we are all of your options and have a little bit of fun. Libra is ruled by Venus which means that you may feel like luxuriating a little bit, changing your wardrobe, making things beautiful inside and outside. You might be a little more flirty than usual. Release what no longer fits your style in all things in value of it you are worth and your interpersonal relationships. Be careful with what you say and also – we are in the pre – retrograde shadow. Patience is needed especially this month. Weigh all of your actions.
On September 28 that is a great Day to take up the most beautiful of space where your best socially distance fit, creative make time for you to be able to create and absorb all of this good vibes so put yourself out there that will be one of the highest vibrational Venus days.
Libra for you it is definitely a continued theme of balance. New beginnings are come by doing things in a way that doesn’t usually follow the norm. Allow yourself to be enamored with life and that will continue vibrating and bringing in those vibes around you. Release all of the shoulds, have to’s, and restrictions from yourself and the need for things to go an exact way. Be flexible, be malleable, and let yourself envision as you act on your desires.
What are you holding on to this libra season? It seems that you may have gotten on a hamster wheel towards life or it just feels off. If you’re gripping tight onto something it might just be weighing you and your intuition down. Go on an adventure, whatever that may mean to you, as long as you are safe. Free yourself from all of the adult responsibilities just for a little while. You may need to take a mini trip and have fun in order to replenish your deep self and there you will find new beginnings.
Use your better judgement as you move forward. Every action has a reaction. Be mindful there’s a lot of intense energy going around. Make sure to keep carrying yourself through, keep that laser focus, resilience is key. But still make time to play. Too much work can burn you out. Work hard but play just as hard. What is for you will always be for you. Joy unlocks blessings too.
Know that you carry your guides and ancestors with you in every room you enter. Defeating thoughts will always keep you small. Dear sea goat, be odd, be majestic, and choose to surrender and balance the fulfilling parts of your life. You hold the key. Always have always will. Allow this metamorphosis to take place even if it’s scary. Shine bright like a diamond. Let no one and no false thoughts dull that.
What has you suspended in mid air? Be not paralyzed by fear. Change your perception and let yourself be shifted. Don’t tie yourself down so you can fly freely. Do that thing you’re excited about, that makes you happy, what scares you and thrills you. Nothing has to make sense to anyone else but you. Follow the yellow brick road Aquarius.
It’s raining blessings and abundance Oooor you know some changes are needed in order to receive this shower of blessings. As the veil between our world and the beyond thins downloads and clarity are coming through. You know what you need to do to manifest the fortunes you desire. The wheel is rollin get on the intuitive road and listen to your intuition. Celebrate every step of the way. Growth looks good on you.
Libra is your opposite sign and maybe you both can enjoy each other’s energetic medicine. The universe asks for you to reconnect to your higher self and express in a different way. If things haven’t been yielding results why not another tactic? There may be some monetary fall through but it might just be redirection. Less impulse dear Aries and more feeling it out and saying things with a level headed mind. New beginnings want to come in, but you need to work on your spiritual wellness. Detach and surrender.
It’s Venus season. You and Libra are led by this. Money is attracted to you and so show your peacock feathers and amaze the world by your exuberant charm and beauty. Lack doesn’t live here. Work on your heart chakra and create mantras around money because you legit can make dollars out of 15 cents but don’t limit yourself their. Enrich every part of your life this libra season. Everything you touch will turn to gold, if and only if you know and embody that you’re worthy.
Feeeeelings so deep in my feelings. Love looks good on you. For self, life, and all aspects for you. You’re coming out of that old inner baggage. Vulnerability and being able to gift your emotions will give you a new experience or deepening your relationships personally and spiritually. As you allow these emotions to flow through you, the road in front of you slowly unfolds.
Have you done a spiritual bath and fed your guides lately? Return back to your spiritual home frequency. Keep following your heart . Connect to source. Let love in. Love on you and your guides so the world and universe knows how you want to be loved. Savor the world around you. You’re on the right track. If you’ve been on more masculine energy it’s time to open up to your feminine energy or vice versa. Delight in your spiritual vibes.
Will you let love and energetic alignment in? Dear Leo, you are resilient and know when to go and when to watch your next move. Things are clearing up. You’re seeing things for what they are. Enjoy and be on that knowing vibe. You know something dope is coming. This expansion is yours as long as you open your palm to receive and follow the path that your being led to. Don’t fear your greatness.
It’s harvest time. Dear Virgo put yourself out there. That abundance and hard work is paying off. Don’t forget to self care and take care of you. Make sure to revisit your self care regimen. It’s go time while also keeping in mind you’re on the universes divine timing and not your own. Keep going and don’t quit. The Sun is here and all that you have always wanted and more will come in the morning. Be in gratitude. When you awake practice joy. It’ll all be worth it. Trust.