Happy new month blessings. Venus moves into cancer tomorrow finally. It was in gemini I don’t know about you but I was in some serious confusion. Some of the relationships that may have been started at the beginning of this year may or may not be still around and that’s OK. With Venus in cancer were going into more collective minded and nurturing vibes. Things may get more intuitive, self care, and home based. Focus on building your own home sanctuary and expanding these safe spaces from what’s leftover form your cup to the people who you care about it. The downside can be martyrdom or taking things personally. Feel all your emotions but don’t take on everyone’s emotions. There will be some squares which means some tough moments and aspects some healing that cannot be ignored, speak up for yourself from the truest place possible and let it be. The Lionsgate compounds these vibes so practice energetic boundaries. Tap into your intuitive hustle energy.
Money opportunity is making its way to you. Show up for all the blessings coming in droves. In all sizes. Abundance is coming in for all of the wishes and from all of the sides. Maintain your integrity, loyalty, and responsibility to yourself and others. The doors of opportunity will knock shining new light.
Hello team doing too much. I literally got the song go to sleep if you’re tired be quiet and go to sleep. If you have been complaining about something resolve it. Put the steps in place and make the necessary changes. You don’t have to do it all. Revisit your sleep hygiene a.k.a. Unwind, meditate, change your sheets, make your bedroom a sanctuary where your brain can shut off for you to go to sleep. Rest.
Release the deadweight I feel like I said the last week or very recently. Don’t worry about appeasing everyone those burdens do not belong to you. All it does is trudge you through life. Release and let go and let it all be. Everyone will find their way without you carrying the cross. There’s too much joy to be had to worry about Naysayers and opportunists.
When’s the last time you had fun? It’s been a while since you’ve played Scorpio. Life’s responsibilities and the hamster wheel can have you feeling nostalgic or feeling a little abandoned. Get back into the world, be with your happy places. Find your fun during this week, reset your vibes, and don’t live so seriously. It’s OK to crack a smile and have a good belly laugh there is healing in that.
Are you overloaded or feeling confused? Take some stuff off your plate. Go still, so you can sift through all that is around you we’re heading your way. Take time to really consider all of your options. Zoom out, so you can see all the moving parts without feeling compelled to choose or act upon them. Strategy is king.
Surrender and receive. It looks as though you’re getting in the way of receiving what you deserve. Or maybe you were not feeling worthy enough to receive all of the good which is halting your manifestations and or desires. Find ways to work on your anxiety through a friend, mentor, or therapy as it is causing a roadblock to the universe is generosity. Be kind to yourself.
Get out of your head dear Aquarius. With this last full moon let the energies carry the goals, wishes, and hopes into the world and let them germinate. What if it actually all works out? Focus on changing your perception. Balance out head over heart by listening to your instincts and acting upon those. Let your worries guide you, question every step of their validity, but don’t give up.
You reap what you sow. What have you been cultivating and nurturing? The garden is full and let the harvest come to you in divine timing. Tend to the land and be one with the faith you already have. Know that everything will lineup, keep working, and positioning yourself to receive.
Are you feeling the burn? Take that wherever it applies honestly. Watch out for tempers and possible head related issues migraines, injuries, or accidents. Whatever keeps running around in your mind is holding you back from the next chapter in your life. It’s not time to play small. You can break free when you realize you are the director of your life and not the victim. You got the power now use it.
Let that light of yours at shine. Take up space. Stand in the optimism, wish upon that star, know that your guys are rooting for you. Unburden yourself of other peoples preconceived thoughts. Free yourself how things should be. Allow yourself to dream, create, and mold the life you want. The stars and your inner light will lead you.
Decisions decisions. It looks like the grapevine has had you down or the grapevine can be your own critical inner selves. Are you balanced? I’d say let your swimming criticisms/thoughts leave their main stage. You truly decide whether or not you want your grass greener. Is your conscious closed or is everything really as it seems? Watch your inner and outer self talk, closely and course correct if need be.
Protect your energetic space. There’s a lot of collective energy happening that can be wearing you down. Better days will come if you choose to let your bags go. I got the song bag lad but in this case it’s gender neutral. Release the weight of what was. Be accountable for your role and don’t miss your bus because you’re still carrying on to all that stuff which should be lessons to apply and understand. The horizon behind you is beautiful, find your way back to the sun with a lighter load. You don’t have to pick a battle some aren’t yours for you to fight.
podcast https://anchor.fm/lyszflo
Lysz Flo Reflects Chapbook
Soliloquy of an Ice Queen
Ebook https://books2read.com/SIQ
Physical book https://www.indiebound.org/book/9781734445619?aff=LyszFlo